Monday, August 27, 2012

Hydra THC web form dictionary attack

Hello ,

In this tutorial i will show you how to use THC hydra for performing a dictionary attack against a web form.For example username,password form.

THC hydra is a powerful program that you can find it at Backtack OS.With Hydra you can perform a dictionary attack against http form,smb,routers and more.

#Step 1) So to start the attack you have to find a good wordlist.Wordlist is a txt/lst file with many complex word inside.(A good wordlist contains numbers,characters,letters).You can download a wordlist from the web or you can make your own wordlist.(Recommended).So download crunch(Wordlist creator from here install it go to the installation folder (crunch-3.3)and run the following command

cd crunch-3.3/

and then run:

./crunch 1 5 0123456789 > /root/Desktop/wordlist.txt

Your screen should look like this now

#Step 2)So once the wordlist is ready you have to run hydra thc and execute the attack.
Open hydra (Backtrack > Privilege Escalation > Password Attack > Online Attacks > hydra )

#Step 3)Now go to the login page of the target/site > right click > View page source , to view the source code of the forms.
You will see something like this(but of course different and not exactly like the following):

<form name="input" action="kwd.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="user">

<input type="password" name="pass">

Just write the action page,the method,the username name and the password name in to a txt file to remember them.
Now before we finish we have to make a try with random password and username to take an error.(Don't forget to write the error message in the txt file.)Like this:
(In this case the error message/Wrong login  is ACCESS DENIED).

Now it's time to perform the attack.Once we know the Username name the paswword name the action page and the method we are ready!

Now go to the hydra window (have a look at step 2 again) and type the following command

hydra  http-form-post "/directory:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:ERROR MESSAGE" -L /root/Desktop/wordlist.txt -P /root/Desktop/wordlist.txt -t 10 -w 30 -o /root/Desktop/attack.txt

You  have to change the "" with the target's site,  the /directory
 with the login page directory e.g index/Login.php  the user with the username name of the site(Step 3) ,the pass with the password name of the site(Step 3) and the ERROR MESSAGE with the error message that the target gives you.In this case "ACCESS DENIED" e.g "Wrong username or Password" .

Thank you!

Nikos Danopoulos

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Finding IPs via Gmail and with your own Php code!

Hello there:)

Today i will show you a tutorial about how to find an IP with Gmail and with your own Php code.First of all Php is a script language and you can find more about it here.There are many tutorials in the web too.

So, lets start. First of all you have to login you gmail account.If you don't have one just create one!(Very simple).
Second step is to find the hoobies of the target to send a realistic message.We only have to google his/her name or to read the 'About' choise at Facebook.
Now you have to send an email to the target and just wait for her/his reply!

Your screen should look like this....

Now open the 'Down button' as you can see in the following picture.

and just press the 'Show original'.Now you will see  the following...

You can easy see the ip after 'Received: by....'
 So you have found your targets ip!Congrats.

One more popular way to find an Ip is to make a script(8 lines) upload it to your webhost and then send the link to the target.Here is how you can do it.

First of all access your webhost account(I use 000webhost webhost,it is very good and free).Then make a file with the name news.php . Edit it an write the following code into the file.


$to='youremail ';


Code explaination:
1line: Opening php
2line: We are telling to the programm that the parametr $ip is the ip of the visitor (target)
3line: $to parametr is your email
4line:$from parametr is the email sender name(
5line:$subject is the email's subject(Ip)
6line:$message is the email's message.In this case the message is the ip.
7line:Sending email...
8line:Closing program

Then send the link to your target.( he click it you will receive a message to your email account with his ip!
Your message!!

*IF you are using email account hotmail,you will receive the message to junks folder.

So,You have learned 2 ways for finding IPs.Enjoy it:)

Thank you,

Nikos Danopoulos